12 Best HIIT Jump Rope Workouts You Will Lean on

hiit jump rope workout

hiit jump rope workout: Have you heard about it?

Have you ever wondered how to choose between the loads and loads of different workout programs that exist nowadays?

Every day we hear about a new workout technique that helps with fat-burning or muscle toning.

Some say cardio is the best, while others say weightlifting is necessary.

But what is the best option for your unique need?

Although there is no right or wrong in these questions as they have multiple different answers.

You must ask yourself what health benefits you expect from a workout routine.

What intensity you can and what health condition you may have you should consider when choosing a workout program for you.

The best way to choose between different fitness programs is to dive into the details and techniques of each one. And for today, we will talk about HIIT.

Specifically, HIIT jump rope workout. What is it? What health benefits should you expect and so much more? But first of all,

What is a HIIT workout?

HIIT stands for high-intensity interval training.

This type of workout consists of fast, intense bursts of training and short recovery periods between each exercise and the other. Which is a time-efficient way to exercise. (1)

You’re pushing your body to its limit for a short period (typically a few minutes) rather than your average 40 to 60 minutes moderate-intensity cardio workout. (2)

Usually, it goes like this: for beginners, there is a 1-minute unit per exercise (HIIT jump rope, for example). You work out for 30 seconds, recover for 30 seconds, and so on.

This results in sweating, elevated heart rate to the optimal fat-burning level, and increased breathing rate to supply the oxygen needed for the muscles.

Benefits of HIIT workout(3):

Weight loss:

The sudden intense bursts of energy the person exerts in this type of workout elevate the heart rate to a certain level optimal for fat burning.

I am making the body break down fats faster than it would with other low to moderate-intensity workout techniques like cardio.

And this is one of the reasons why a HIIT jump rope workout differs from a regular jump rope workout. (4), (5)

Also, HIIT is the workout of choice for people with low insulin sensitivity or people with depression. That’s because it increases epinephrine and norepinephrine. 

Metabolism and energy production(6):

HIIT improves the body’s ability to take in oxygen and utilize it in the working muscles.

Many researchers discovered oxygen uptake increases during HIIT more than other moderate-intensity workout techniques measuring it. 

Moreover, HIIT increases the anaerobic threshold, which is the level of oxygen the body consumes, above which the regular energy production using oxygen is replaced by anaerobic energy production.

This causes lactate increase, which is unhealthy for the muscles and overall body health as it may cause acidosis. 

Increasing the anaerobic threshold means that anaerobic energy production is delayed, tremendously impacting the body’s overall health while working out.

Cardiovascular health:

As we mentioned earlier, HIIT workout increases maximum oxygen intake by the body. That directly affects the heart and lungs positively.

It puts the heart under a healthy amount of stress to become stronger and even more able to withstand physical activity (7).

Muscular health:

Short, intense bursts of energy require fast twitches from the muscle fibers.

This technique forces the muscle to be more substantial and significant than the type of growth that low-intensity workouts offer in the same time window (8),(9).

Impact on blood sugar levels:

Different studies concluded that HIIT is beneficial for people at risk of diabetes. Studies also showed it reduces blood sugar levels, especially in type 2 diabetes patients.

And as we mentioned earlier, HIIT improves insulin sensitivity and helps with insulin resistance. (10)

And specifically, upper-body HIIT workout help strengthen and tone the arms and shoulder muscles more rapidly than other upper-body workout techniques. 

Why choose HIIT jump rope workouts? 

Not only do you gain the benefits of a HIIT workout, but also the added benefits of jumping rope:

Jumping rope does not only benefit muscles, but it also strengthens bones, the heart, and the lungs.

As Jumping requires more blood and oxygen to reach the muscles, it elevates the spirit and respiratory rates to optimal levels for fat burning.

Also, it can improve lung capacity and increase heart strength to withstand longer exercise sessions.

Moreover, when an individual jumps, the bones are under a healthy amount of stress that alerts the body to make them stronger and higher in density.

It also toned lower body muscles like calves, thighs, hips, and lower abdominal muscles.

Last, Jumping rope can help improve your body coordination and balance because it challenges your brain to coordinate between your arms, torso, and legs. And to maintain your center of gravity, you must have a proper balance.

Here are the best HIIT jump rope workouts:

How to Jump Rope? Here we go:

The proper form you should follow when you do a specific exercise is the most important thing to avoid injuries and maximize the benefits of the workout.

So when you decide to follow the HIIT jumping rope workout, you must ensure you have a good rope.

Know that the plastic speed ropes are more accessible to handle and circle faster than the cotton ones.

After you’ve selected a rope, be sure it’s suitable for your height.

The handles should reach your armpits when standing in the rope’s middle. You can use a simple hack to wrap the string around your hands if you need to shorten it.i

Also, always keep your elbows slightly bent, your hands at hip height, and your arms close to your sides when jumping.

Land on the balls of your feet, keeping your feet close to the ground when you jump to avoid any knee or lower back injuries.

You can pair up HIIT jump rope with similar movements, such as different forms of skipping and jumping, for example, jumping jacks, burpees, and box jumps.

One thing to keep in mind, avoid windmilling your arms as you try to swing the rope faster. Instead, turn your string with your wrists while jumping higher than usual.

Now that you know the right shape and form. Let’s jump into the workout routines.

Basic HIIT jump rope:

For this HIIT jump rope workout, you’ll spend 30 seconds jumping at a high intensity by skipping as fast as possible with 30 to 90 seconds of rest.

You can switch up your jumping style on the high-intensity phase to challenge your body as much as possible. You can do regular jumps or high knees For the extra challenge.

For example:

  • Thirty seconds of intense HIIT jump rope while trying to execute as many reps as possible can.
  • 30 to 60 seconds rest (if you can lightly jump or walk in the place, that would be great to maintain your heart rate elevated at the optimal fat-burning level)
  • Repeat that circuit 5 to 10 times according to your ability.

Jump rope Tabata:

A fundamental HIIT jump rope workout.

Tabata jump rope workout was the invention of a Japanese physician and researcher, Dr. Izumi Tabata, who examined the effects of a 4-minute interval-based training that should be done in 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest.

HIIT Jump rope Tabata for beginners:

Eight intervals of:

  • 20 seconds: single unders
  • 10 seconds: rest

HIIT Jump rope Tabata for intermediate level:

Eight intervals of: 

  • 20 seconds: one-single legged under
  • 10 seconds: rest

Jump rope Tabata for advanced level:

Eight intervals of: 

  • 20 seconds: double unders
  • 10 seconds: rest

And every time the individual finishes a set of double unders, they should perform one burpee.

You want to jump high enough to do a double under so that the rope swings twice beneath your feet with each jump.

HIIT jump rope with variations:

Routine one:

For beginners:  

Six intervals of:

  • 50 jump rope single unders 
  • 10 (lower) box jumps
  • Ten broad jumps 
  • Ten burpees and steps over the box 
  • Rest: 2 minutes

For intermediate to advanced levels:

Six intervals of:

  • 70 jump rope double unders 
  • Ten box jumps
  • Ten broad jumps 
  • Ten burpees over the bar or box 
  • Rest: 1 minute

Routine two:

This routine involves alternating jumping methods with periods of slow Jumping for a higher-intensity workout.

  • 30 seconds high knees
  • 30 to 60 seconds double bounce (bounce twice on both feet between rope revolutions)
  • 30 seconds a side-to-side jump (jumping a few inches to your left, then to your right, with both feet)
  • 30 to 60 seconds double bounce
  • 30 seconds single leg jump (jumping only on your left leg)
  • 30 to 60 seconds double bounce
  • 30 seconds single leg jump (jumping only on your right leg)
  • 30 to 60 seconds double bounce
  • The individual should repeat this circuit about three times.

HIIT jump rope-only workout:

This HIIT jump rope routine is appropriate for individuals who can perform higher-intensity workouts that demand coordination, speed, and some skipping rope skills we mentioned earlier.

All movements are done with a jump rope. 

Ten intervals of:

  • 20 single unders
  • Ten one-legged jumps: left
  • Ten one-legged jumps: right
  • 20 alternating leg jumps
  • 20 double unders 
  • Rest for 1 minute

Jump rope & Burpees:

Although burpees are easy to learn and execute, they can be challenging. And when you combine them with HIIT jump rope workouts, they can get even more intense.

Seven intervals of: 

  • Ten burpees
  • Thirty double unders or backward skipping for more advanced individuals.
  • Rest for 1 minute.

Jump Rope and Core HIIT:

This workout integrates core movements for an effective HIIT jump rope workout.

The routine:

  • 30 seconds jump rope with high knees
  • 10 seconds rest
  • 30 seconds mountain climbers
  • 10 seconds rest
  • 30 seconds jump rope with high knees
  • 10 seconds rest
  • 30 seconds stability ball pushups
  • 10 seconds rest
  • 30 seconds jump rope with high knees
  • 10 seconds rest
  • 30 seconds plank
  • 10 seconds rest
  • Repeat this circuit 2 to 3 times according to your stamina level.

Full body HIIT Jump Rope:

This HIIT jump rope workout combines full-body sculpting moves with intense rope jumping

The routine:

  • 20 seconds jumping
  • 5 seconds rest
  • 30 seconds squats
  • 5 seconds rest
  • 20 seconds jumping
  • 5 seconds rest
  • 30 seconds push-ups
  • 5 seconds rest
  • 20 seconds  jumping
  • 5 seconds rest
  • 30 seconds plank hold
  • 5 seconds rest
  • Repeat this circuit 4 to 10 times.

Advanced levels can remove the rest period or substitute double unders for regular Jumping.

HIIT jump rope with Weights (legs):

HIIT jump rope is an excellent addition to interval training. And so are the weights or various weightlifting exercises. Perform five intervals and take 2 minutes of rest between each set.

Five intervals of:

  • Ten alternative lunges with weights
  • Five back squats with weights
  • Ten back squat jumps with an empty barbell or body weight only
  • Fifty double or single unders. 
  • Rest for 2 minutes.

Increase or decrease the weight according to your ability, and don’t push yourself too hard. You must remember that there is no fast gain; you might injure yourself if you exceed your limit.

HIIT jump rope with Weights (arms):

One of the reasons why HIIT jump rope is an excellent form of exercise is that arms have to work equally as legs to perform the movement correctly.

In most cases, the smaller muscle groups, and components, in this case, will burn out way before the legs. The following HIIT jump rope workout will even initiate that.

Five intervals of:

  • 18 push-ups or handstand push-ups
  • 15 pull-ups
  • 12 shoulder presses 
  • 70 double unders 
  • Rest for 3 minutes.

For beginners: 

Five intervals of:

  • 18 wall or knee supported push ups 
  • 15 ring rows
  • 12 shoulder presses 
  • 40 single unders 
  • Rest for 3 minutes.

Cross, Double, and Upper HIIT Jump Rope Workout(H3):

This routine combines advanced HIIT jump rope techniques with upper-body sculpting moves. For beginners, you can replace the foot cross and double under with standard Jumping or high knees.

The routine:

  • 20 seconds double unders
  • 10 seconds rest
  • 30 seconds push-ups
  • 10 seconds rest
  • 20 seconds criss-cross jumps 
  • 10 seconds rest
  • 30 seconds triceps dips
  • 10 seconds rest
  • 20 seconds double unders
  • 10 seconds rest
  • 30 seconds shoulder tap push-ups
  • 10 seconds rest
  • 20 seconds criss-cross jumps
  • 10 seconds rest
  • 30 seconds Pike pushups
  • Repeat this routine three times.

HIIT jump rope and Sprints:

Sprint is maximum-effort running, performed at the highest speed possible, as sprinting has always been the most popular form of interval training.

However, if you are a beginner whose body is adjusting to exercise, you can skip sprinting and perform fast running instead.

Five intervals of:

  • 50 double unders 
  • Sprint for as long as you can
  • Rest for 3 minutes

For beginners: 

Thirty single unders and 200 meters of fast running.

Some frequently asked questions regarding HIIT jump rope:

How many calories does jumping rope burn?

The number of calories an individual burns during exercise depends on many different factors regarding the training and the individual.

The exercise duration and intensity level affect the amount of calories you burn. And also the person’s weight and diet.

For example, a 91 kg person can burn up to  362 calories from 20 minutes of jumping rope quickly (a HIIT jump rope routine) or 241 calories when jumping rope slowly, as in intermediate intensity cardio workout. 

Therefore, adding HIIT jump rope to your daily routine can help achieve a calorie deficit, which is the key to weight loss.

Is HIIT jump rope enough to lose weight? What else should you do?

Although an individual can burn a decent amount of calories from jumping rope, it’s not enough to only rely on that to achieve sustainable weight loss.

If you only rely on jumping rope to burn calories but continue to consume a high-calorie diet or an unbalanced diet that does not achieve the caloric deficit required to burn fats, you won’t lose weight.

To be clear, sustainable long-term weight loss involves a healthy lifestyle, including eating a nutrient-dense, minimally processed diet that depends mainly on whole foods, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and managing stress levels.

And while HIIT jumping rope is an excellent form of exercise and can help significantly with weight loss, it’s best to include other HIIT exercises into your routine to maximize your fitness and gain muscles in all different parts of your body. That will help with your London-term weight loss plan since muscles burn more daily calories than fats.

Who should not do HIIT workouts?

There are groups of people that straight up should not do HIIT jump robe workouts; these are:

  • Pregnant women
  • Postpartum women (3 to 6 months)
  • People with heart conditions or people who underwent recent cardiac surgery 
  • People with physical injuries 
  • People on immunosuppressive medication
  • Patients of osteopenia and osteoporosis 
  • People with inconvenience or pelvic floor weakness
  • Physically weak people significantly do not work out at all.

To make some points clear;

However, we mentioned earlier that HIIT jump rope and HIIT generally are suitable for cardiac healing for healthy individuals or people trying to avoid cardiac issues.

But people with certain heart conditions should never exert such a high effort that may affect their cardiac capacity. For people with any cardiac problem, we advise consulting your healthcare provider.

On the other hand, healthy individuals that do not suffer from any health condition but at the same time never workout should not start their exercising lifestyle with HIIT right away.

Because HIIT workouts are too hard to maintain for people with no essential strength or understanding of how physically demanding it may be initially.

People who start practicing HIIT immediately may suffer from burnout and lose interest in the process quickly. 

On the other hand, people who begin slowly but steadily to change their lifestyle by starting with light cardio workouts and simple jump rope exercises to integrate the idea of working out itself into their routine and gain better strength and greater muscle control can naturally switch to HIIT without feeling burnt out as quickly.


Adding exercise and a workout routine will completely transform your lifestyle.

It suits your skin, metabolism, muscle health, bone health, weight regulation, well-being, and overall stamina.

By adding exercises, you will be transforming your life into a more productive and less exhausting one.

However, when you work out, you must start with a low-intensity routine and then build up as your body becomes more accustomed to it.

And that is why we recommend you start HIIT and especially HIIT jump rope when you have built up your stamina so that your body can withstand and maintain it. HIIT is great for your health; some experts even argue it is the best workout.

You can also check our upper HIIT workouts; click here!

Start with beginner to intermediate until you reach the Pro level. We help we were able to help you today. Let us know in the comments if you have any questions; we will gladly help.

And as always, stay safe.

Picture of Dr. Lin Wei Chen

Dr. Lin Wei Chen

Dr. Lin Wei Chen, PhD in Sports Medicine from the University of Hong Kong and a Master's in Traditional Chinese Medicine from Beijing University, is a trailblazer in integrating herbal wisdom with modern fitness science. With over 10 years in sports medicine, Dr. Lin specializes in natural approaches to muscle growth, stamina, and men's health, revolutionizing how we enhance physical performance. His unique perspective, combining rigorous scientific research with age-old herbal practices, offers innovative and effective solutions for athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike. Renowned for his patient-centered approach, Dr. Lin's work not only elevates physical capabilities but also empowers individuals towards holistic well-being.